Luxury goods trade
Imagine that you’re tracking your target group’s subconscious sentiment towards the description of “Honest”. Month after month, you’re seeing stable results, and suddenly there is an extreme drop.
This is exactly what happened to a client for whom we conducted monthly monitoring of subconscious brand perception. Knowing that such changes cannot occur without a valid reason in such a short timeframe, and understanding tha, in business, it’s important to avoid impulsive reactions, an additional analysis was conducted, with an interesting and peculiar outcome.
In the month of the decline, an outlet published a PR article that spoke extremely negatively about the entire industry. Among customers, it sparked a development of a negative perception of the industry as a whole, including our client.
The client used Explicitor, our subconscious perception measurement software. Its methodology registers changes in respondents’ perceptions quickly and precisely, before they reflect on revenue. This gave the client invaluable time to address the situation.
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